Dan & Molly - Deliver a message, Body Guard, Breakthrough
Bill & Colette - Supply Wagon, Exterminate (Belles), Perfect Performance

So the first 3.5 turns went poorly for the good team. Colette was having her way with my crew and just pummeling everything. But I was making him use his stones, so it was at least hurting perfect performance. I was trying line Sybelle up to use Call Belle so I could get a Rotten belle into range to deliver a message and get me some points. Bill put a kink in my plan when he used a Performer to Paralyze Sybelle. I spent the rest of turn 3 hoping he would kIll her off so Molly could summon a new one. Much to my delight Colette did pop Sybelle off with her last Magician's duel. My moment at hand Molly stepped up, resummoned Sybelle and gave her Imbue Vigor (+3 Wk). Sybelle moved into place and dropped a Rotten Belle down next to Colette who gave her Molly's Secret message, it read "Your Hat is adorable, I simply must have one, where ever did you find it? Also sorry for all the girls my minions are about to kill!"
Turn 4 was the true turning point. Bill won init, had Colette cast disapearing act on my Belle, he played in a Tome, and then stoned. the stone flipped up a 10 tome, and... the black joker. cast failed. He did some other Colette type stuff stuff. My Rogue Necro hopped in between Cassandra and a Performer, hit the performer, and then with the use of my trust Red Joker on the hit, one shot killed Cassandra. My next activation saw Sybelle charge the Wagon and deal a damage to it. So in the span of 3 activations I got a 6 VP swing and killed his best minion. We ran through the rest of turn 4 and called it at the start of 5. Colette likely would have been able to do some damage to the rest of my crew, but the Wagon was taking a beating, and I had a solid 8 vps locked up for myself as the a Dead Doxy I summoned was booking it to his Deployment Zone.

This game was really interesting because of how drastically it swung halfway through. I really felt out-classed for the first half of the game, and then a couple of flips went my way and totally changed the entire scope of the game. I think a few things seriously favored me though. Collette took 2 very tough schemes and had a crappy Strategy. I had easier to perform schemes and strategies. It also helped that at Key moment flips went my way. Having the red joker in hand to ensure I could Kill Cassandra, as well as bill failing to mannequin replace on any of his Magicians duels really helped me out. Im sure if we played the same match-up again with a different setup, I would find the game to be an uphill battle.
But for today I was being able to take advantage of favorable schemes and strategies and bring home a win for Molly. Despite the fact that I feel she is a touch weaker even then the other Henchmen, I have a pretty favorable record with her, I believe its around 5-2.
So the important thing to learn here is that I'm level 13 in Skyrim. Most of my armor has been forged by me, and a ton of my stuff has been enchanted by me. Im also a werewolf. Not sure I wanna keep that, im doing a quest chain that will allow me to cure myself if I choose, gotta make a decision since its coming up.

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