Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Possible return to 40k

I have been playing 40k since since I started College so its been a decent amount of time. I've played Chaos for almost the entire time. i tried blood angels, but that didn't work out so well for me. I recently tried to start a Salamander army that teetered out. Im currently considering picking them back up. Here is a possible list for 1850 and a way to bump up to 2k. I don't have my book on me so the points might be a bit off

Vulkan - 190
Librarian, maybe in terminator armor - 125

5x Assault Terminators with Thunder hammer, Storm Shield - 200
Land Raider Crusaider, Multi-melta - 250
Dreadnought - Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer - 115
Dreadnought - Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer - 115

10x Tactical squad- 175 Points
-Multi-Melta- Free
Rhino- 35 Points
10x Tactical squad- 175 Points
-Multi-Melta- Free
Rhino- 35 Points
10x Tactical squad- 175 Points
-Multi-Melta- Free
Rhino- 35 Points

3x Attack Bikes, Multi-meltas - 180
2x Land Speeders, Multi-Meltas, Heavy flamers - 130
2x Land Speeders, Multi-Meltas, Heavy flamers - 130 - In 2k games

The Army ends up short in points at like 1830 and 1960. If i have over-costed things I will give Power-Fists to my Squads, if I've undercosted I hope its not by too much and I won't have to cut anything. Also I really want to find points to put my dreads in drop pods. that might be something I do with my tac Squads too. That way My characters can join them instead of the Terminators.


HuronBH said...

The list looks okay. My only comment is that you have a lot of really short range weapons (I think the longest is 24". What are you going to do against IG gun lines and or tank span if you can't start close too it?

Also Why the Crusader? Most Salamanders players go for the Redeemer (the new landraider with Str 6 AP 3 Flamers in the sponsons). It is 10pts less then the other 2 raider types giving you a free Multimelta upgrade pretty much and holds 12 models.

Just some ideas and I'm looking forward to starting to play 40K with you again.

Dan said...

Crusader offers a ton of guns as well as the ability to hold 8 termies which im kinda leaning towards. I realize that my guns don't go over 24 inches, but with 7 fast moving multi-meltas my plan was to run hard near their tanks and just start blasting them, If I use Drop Pods I will also be able to drop in the 2 dreads right near them with even more mulit-melta death. Gun lines are the reason I wnat to use Drop Pods as these will put into rapid fire range against a gun line right away and then the next turn I can assault. It may or may not work. but I think the number of targets that people have to deal with will be very high, plus the Land Raider will be a tough SOB to crack

HuronBH said...

remember that you assign wounds to vehicles in squadrons like you do guys in units. So for example a unit of Devastators with 4 Missile launchers that fire at your landspeeder squadrons that hit 3 times, and do 2 glances and a pen with cause each vehicle to be effected by one of the rolls.

I think you should give the list a try, but have the feeling you will decided to add fists to your tactical squads and switch out at least a few of the speeders for more attack bikes or a predator or two, though that is just my opinion.

Of course, until recently my Griffons ran with no Heavy support at all (just a regular landraider transport) and 2 Typhoons and did fairly well all things considered, so who knows, it may work for you.

I just think the days of just taking Melta and Flamer are gone with Tyranids out and BAs right around the corner.

Dan said...

Ok so different configs in the squad could really help them survive.

Wouldn't my impressive number of twinlinked heavy flamers be pure murder to Nids? Then my meltas and thunderhammers could for the big guys.

BA worry me since they are fast and in power armor and good in melee, but Its not like my army sucks, im just not as good. I would just have to weaken squads as they approach so they are more managable in melee.

Do you think Drop Pods will be good for the Tac Squads and Dreads?